Dear customers,

thank you for using our e-shop: Obchod nejen pro „kočky”, located on a webpage In our e-shop you can order jewelry and handmade pearl bead, patchwork goods, designer crystal glass, accessories with textile flowers, designer apparel and other apparel accessories.

Any questions you might have will be answered on an email address or by calling: +420723088905, +420605186295. We are also available for you in our store in Celakovice, Sedlackova 79 (See opening hours).

1. Right to exchange or return items

You have a legal right to withdraw from a contract of purchase, completed using our e-shop, without specifying any reason or without any sanction within 14 days since receiving your order. In such case, you can either return the items using a mail service or you can return them personally to our store. The cost connected to the returning of items is a liability of a customer.
If you wish you can exchange the items within 14 days period as well. After the expiration of this period, you can return the items, which display the signs of damage as a result of manufacturing and flaws, under legal conditions of a standard consumer warranty.

In case the items were purchased, using cash on delivery, inform us of your bank account number so we can return your money via bank transaction. Money shall be added to your account within 2 weeks since the transaction (Shipment). Please send us information regarding your bank account number on email address:

The cancellation of order by vendor is only possible in case the goods are no longer manufactured or supplied to the vendor or supplier has significantly changed their price. In case the goods are no longer available and customer has already paid for them using bank transaction, then the money shall be sent back to him within 5 day from a vendor's bank account.

2. Delivery restrictions

The goods are only delivered within the Czech Republic.

3. The shipment fees

The customer pays in regards to the value of the order, the shipment and packaging fee of 109 CZK. In special cases, the vendor must charge a higher shipment fee. Such fee is adequately reported. If due to the technical or logistic issues, the order would have to be shipped multiple times. Then the customer will only be charged for one shipment fee.

4. The retail price, payment, payment due date, payment overdue

The retail prices of all items are listed including the VAT.
The e-shop prices can be changed without prior notification.
The payment for goods is either completed by cash on delivery or using bank transaction.
As of right now we unfortunately do not endorse the direct in-envelope money shipment or check payment. We do not carry any liability in case such shipment gets lost.
In the case of bank transaction payment method, the goods are sent after the receipt of the payment to our bank account.
In the case of retirement from the contract, the invoice price can be adequately lowered, according to the damages of the goods.
In the case the customer's payment is overdue, we reserve the right to charge the customer for the expenses connected to the request payment letters (debt-collection letters) and other such notices.

5. Registration

You can order the goods without registration by filling out appropriate information for the shipment of your order. Although by registering you gain access to many benefits in our e-shop, which include: overview of your orders or management of your address and account information.

6. Privacy policy, personal information and data protection

Your privacy information is handled in accordance with the legislature 101/2003 Privacy policy and data protection. Your data is handled confidentially and we only utilize the data with connection to your orders and we protect it from any misuse.
The shop Obchod nejen pro „Kočky” declares that all your personal information will not be provided to the third party.

7. Identifikace prodávajícího

Obchod nejen pro „kočky”
Sedláčkova 79
250 88 Čelákovice

Ing. Ivana Válková, IČ: 72007729
Jaroslava Šenfeldová, IČ: 48962422

bank account number: 107-5540860207/0100 lead by Komerční banka a.s.

